Tuesday, June 26, 2007

mid tuesday night

been sick for the past few days ever since sunday.

anyway, went to school for an hour yest, and found out that my 2nd lesson which was 10-12 was cancelled, since I wasn't feeling well, I went home and skipped my 1-4 lectures. Baby was nice enough to drop by my place to visit me and I missed her so much. She left bout dinner time and I went to meet my friends to chill and stuff.

Didn't attend school today, feeling really sick. Been waiting for empirebmx to confirm my internet shopping stuff and it never came. Its really pissing me off to have to wait so long. Gonna go down to meet Saw later, wanna have a word with him... There was a couple of young punks below my block just now staring at me when I came home. If they're still there later, all the best.

Signed, sealed and delivered at 9.38pm.