which placed the smile back on my face,
which gave me everything that i needed to get me through the day.
there hasn't been any thats sweeter,
there hasn't been any that made me feel like how i feel right now.
you gave me your heart,
and i gave you my everything.
you said i love you,
and i said i love you with all my heart and soul.
i know its real.
i gave up looking for that one special girl back then,
when i figured i wasn't good enough,
with my moral as low as ever,
there you were,
and i knew,
you had be that girl that i had go the distance with.
you took my breath away,
you gave me everything that i once, could only hope and wish for.
the love,
the sweetness,
the feeling i get when i walk down the street with you.
i'll take you by the hand and take you somewhere new,
because i know b,
that you're the right one for me.