Thursday, November 8, 2007

early thursday morning.

yeah. its the deepavali holidays.

just got home from work. been a really fucked up day... besides the booze i downed unreluctantly, there were just so many shit going on. i downed bout 6 small sized bottles of champange. it was good. and yeah... after i was talking to someone. and yeah, i'm pretty sure i made a helload of sense towards what i was saying to her and she kept denying the obvious truth... please. i know you well enough.. denial would not make u an overnight heroine nor will it make you a good drinker... i was worried, i cared, i opened up to you, i had a heart to heart talk with you, but you just kept denying and denying. fuck it, whats up with not being good at it? it wouldn't make you a loser. i was the one cleaning up all the shit after your sessions. and just a sorry and a hug wouldn't make it any better. sorry, i'm an ass, i know but yeah, talking to you was sooooooo fucked up, you were so lucky i kept it within. anger that is... ahhh. why does it always backfire when i actually really care bout someone? its fucking jinx.. i fine myself once again feeling so fucked. i was like so tipsy halfway through work that i slept on the empty wine boxes for half an hour before continuing. my head is feeling so bummed now. ahh. its better if i went to bed...

and to xiang ying who i confided in... thank you... and yeah... it wasn't how i wanted it to be but at least you replied... and yeah. maybe it just isn't a good time to talk because i'm feeling really shit after the booze and all. sorry. nights then

signed, sealed & delivered @ 4.55am.

Monday, November 5, 2007

early monday afternoon.

STOP IT bout the rowena thing xiang ying!!!!! hahahaha

there's someone else. haha. =)

early monday morning


haha. ahhh. been a wonderful week, went pubbing twice this week and i spent a hell load of money, but oh well, there's a price to everything. hahaha. i went pubbing on wednesday with kelvin and rowena. it was alright la, didn't drink much, just a few bottles, but rowena had one and she was down! hahaha. com'on buddy. u gotta improveeeeee!

saturday booze was with shanker and rowena. went to meet rowena for dinner at fish & co., ahh. then we were like hanging out waiting for shanker. yeah, well, the 3of us cliqued really well. surprise surprise. yeah. we went back to barracks to have a bucket of asahi. haha. rowena was high after. oooops. hahaha. worse still, we had bourbon coke after, 2 glasses, that made it worse for her. hahaha. everyone that worked last night now know who's the better drinker rowena. hahaha. then after she was high and all and we decided to walk to taka where they were having that subaru impreza challenge, i had an amsterdam, and they had a tall can of carlsberg. ahhh. that was when the kick started kicking in. hahaha. maybe i drank a tad too fast and yeah half way through my head started to spin, but oh well, i still really enjoyed myself, didnt do anything stupid but yeah. hahaha. after that i brought rowena back again. oh well, a girl's safety is important! so yeah, i did and she got knocked out in the cab. hahaha. after sending her back, shanker and i continued drinking at a coffee shop. ahh. i was really bummed after, we stayed long enough for the first train, parted ways there, and i slept all the way from yio chu kang to jurong east. no interruptions, train driver had to wake me up. damn. hahaha. when i got home, i was feeling super bummed and i just changed and went to bed straight since i figured i was still really clean and stuff. hahah. slept til 5 and went to work and shanker and i were like talking bout what happened. hahaha. rowena, we all know your dirty little secret. hahaha.

well, it was really a great week, hadn't had so much fun in sucha long time, i really cherish friends and times like that these. ahh. they're gonna do it coming sat again. haha. i'll probably be down for it, and i'm gonna be rich bitch, pay's coming in. 2 pay cheques. yeahhh. hahaha. there's only a few things left to buy, a new belt, a psp and probably expanding my wardrobe. haha. i got my i touch already. weeee. hahahaha. anyway, i gotta go before my net fucks up on me again. nights! blog tmr in class.