Thursday, February 14, 2008

thursday evening.

new colour la!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

early wednesday morning stil.

early wednesday morning

sup y'all.

first off, gong xi fa cai. haha.
been another bad start to another new year,
lost 340 in 2 rounds while playing in between,
got back on the 3rd and 4th day though.
anyway, got some upgrades to my bike,
and i landed my hop 3's down 3steps 2days back at b.panjang.
yeah balls!
ate shit on the first 2 tries,
but got it dialed after.
so stoked bout it.
had a photoshoot at b3 today.
not bad.
not gonna say much, let the pics do talking.
haha. i look dumb in a few. cheers. hahaha.
and check out my matching pipes yo!