Thursday, December 11, 2008

early thursday morning

hey people.

oh my. fucking can't sleep again. been 3days straight in a row. fuck. the day before yest i slept for 2hours. yest i slept for 3hours and i have not had any slept today yet and i gotta go to the polyclinic at 730am to get my damn mc later. grrr.

b'day's coming in 3days time, oh man, i haven't really made any plans as of yet. but having her by my side would be the best gift i could get. seriously. last year's b'day at zouk with the bffs wasn't so bad but the years before were ones to forget. so so so fucked up man. i'm so looking forward to spending the holiday season with b, especially christmas because for once during christmas, i'm not waiting under the mistletoe. weeeee. and i hope i'll have someone to cuddle and kiss during the strike at 12am this new year's. oh man, so many first times. weeee. hahahaha. being in love is just so lovely isn't it. especially with the girl of your dreams. i know i'm one hell of a lucky guy to have someone like her in my life.

anyway, i miss b many! ahhh. she's having her exams and i'm trying pretty hard not to distract her. baby, i believe that you'll do fine this time round. no worries yeah. i believe in you. and oh yeah, she came over the other day and i actually cooked for her, ah, though it wasn't anything special, i couldn't quite believe i would actually cook for someone besides myself. hahaha. but oh well, i think she liked it, erm, i hope she did, i forgot to ask b. hahahaha.

ahh. and it has been a great few weeks well spent with her. almost meeting everyday yet again. be it dinner or chilling or going to town, its always wonderful. her smile mesmerizes me many a time and i'm so totally addicted to it. even though we just got past our 3rd monthsary, i felt like i've known her for a super long time. words can't explain the closeness between us, the loving you show, the hugs and kisses you give, the words you say and the smiles you put on my face. i appreciate everything you've done for me and baby, you feel so apart of the house whenever you're crashing over. you fit into my life so perfectly and you made everything so so different. you're the reason i became much much happier, you're the reason i became who i used to be. you're everything to me and yes dear, i love you with all my heart.

oh well. i guess thats kinda all i have to say for today. real tired. and here's one of my pics taken with her. sweet huh? check out that pretty one beside me. :)