Thursday, November 8, 2007

early thursday morning.

yeah. its the deepavali holidays.

just got home from work. been a really fucked up day... besides the booze i downed unreluctantly, there were just so many shit going on. i downed bout 6 small sized bottles of champange. it was good. and yeah... after i was talking to someone. and yeah, i'm pretty sure i made a helload of sense towards what i was saying to her and she kept denying the obvious truth... please. i know you well enough.. denial would not make u an overnight heroine nor will it make you a good drinker... i was worried, i cared, i opened up to you, i had a heart to heart talk with you, but you just kept denying and denying. fuck it, whats up with not being good at it? it wouldn't make you a loser. i was the one cleaning up all the shit after your sessions. and just a sorry and a hug wouldn't make it any better. sorry, i'm an ass, i know but yeah, talking to you was sooooooo fucked up, you were so lucky i kept it within. anger that is... ahhh. why does it always backfire when i actually really care bout someone? its fucking jinx.. i fine myself once again feeling so fucked. i was like so tipsy halfway through work that i slept on the empty wine boxes for half an hour before continuing. my head is feeling so bummed now. ahh. its better if i went to bed...

and to xiang ying who i confided in... thank you... and yeah... it wasn't how i wanted it to be but at least you replied... and yeah. maybe it just isn't a good time to talk because i'm feeling really shit after the booze and all. sorry. nights then

signed, sealed & delivered @ 4.55am.