Sunday, January 6, 2008

mid sunday afternoon.

sup y'all!

been kinda lazy to blog recently, but oh well. haha. here i am once again. ah, had sucha a good sleep. haven't had one in a long time. insomnia sucks fo' sho! haha. anyway, its 08. yeahhh. haha. hadn't much resolutions but here goes.

1) i'll save more and won't spend as much as in 07.
2) stay true to one. =)
3) study! (i'm halfway outta poly, grrr.)
4) enjoy life as it is, probably the most important one. yeah! haha.
5) i'll stop messing around if i had you.

yeah. thats about it. hahaha. anyway, went to ride 2days back on friday. shit. been so long since i rode with darren, sebastian, ian and company. ah. hell, they improved. haha. but i believed i've improved since the last time i met em too. haha. but i ate shit on 360s down a set of 3 so many times you won't even believe it. haha. well, no pain, no gain. thats how it goes huh. ah. haven't been pubbing so much anymore. sch's started, gonna be a hectic term, chinese new year, gonna spend lotsa money shopping again. fuck. argh. hahaha. well. somehow, i wished i was with her now, even though i believe the thought's kinda far'fetched. been feeling kinda shit lately, i don't know why too, sometimes i wish i knew how she felt, but sometimes i wish i had never said anything. ahhh. i don't know. maybe i should just continue to keep mum bout my feelings huh. anyway, watched american gangster yesterday, ah, rad shit. you should catch it. hahaha. yeah, my man. haha. yeap, blog again tomorrow in class or something. ciao! =)

signed, sealed & delivered @ 2.31am