Monday, June 4, 2007

early monday morning.

oh my. this is my first time posting. never liked blogging, but oh hell, I'm a trendwhore.

anyway, the name's konrad, a dumb kid whose life revolves around bmx and his girl. currently wasting my life studying in some god forsaken course in ngee ann poly. I live my life exactly the way I want to irregardless of the consequences of my actions. well, maybe I have live to regret some of my past wrong-doings but oh well, gives a shit, I'm still alive and kicking. I don't really have a lavish lifestyle like others, probably getting up from bed, going to school, sleeping during lectures, texting her, coming back home to get changed, go ride at b3 and coming back to get ready for bed. thats how most of my weekdays are spent i guess.

by the way, if you didn't know, i'm nocturnal. i get up really late on weekends, like 4pm? and stay up til dawn. yeah, nightlife is the shit. anyway, going to bed, need to study for my upcoming test on tuesday, tommorrow. and dammit, i wanna nail my 360 the next time I ride.

sign, sealed and delivered @ 2.35am