Tuesday, December 16, 2008
You got to give me everything
and nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me,
and I know you would.
I'll give you everything that I am
I'm handin' over everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
and I Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up.
with all my heart,
i love you.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
early thursday morning
Friday, November 28, 2008
late friday night
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
late tuesday evening
say i'm dumb, go ahead, i don't care?
Monday, November 17, 2008
The girl of my life
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline i love adeline
Monday, October 27, 2008
early monday morning
i'm back from tekong. oh man, life's been rather shitty inside. don't really clique with my bunk mates but oh well, i got to know 5pretty cool guys. nothing much to talk bout, but yeah, ns is a waste of time and it psychologically brainwashes you to be dumb and follow commands. grrr. anyway, since i booked out, majority of the days have been put aside for b! weeee. i spent 1 and a half day with her straight after i booked out and that sweetie pie came to pick me up at pasir ris even though she was late. ahhh. went to eat dim sum then dbl o to club after and we chilled til the next day night and i went to zouk after with my ns buddies, jonathan, yuh chu, donn, joanne and marcus. oh man.partied so so hard last night. drank alot of booze too.weee. we went to the national museum just now to look at some pic gallery. ahh. both of us has a touch of class okay! we enjoy these kinda stuff many many. right b? went to movie after and met joshua along the way for dinner-cum-ns-story-telling. haha.
anyway,there's nothing else i look forward to than to see her when i book out. oh my. 2 weeks felt like 2 freaking months. hope i get a 8am-5pm posting so i could spend more time with her. these 3days passed by damn fast la!!! i wished i had more time for you b. there hasn't been a minute that passed during the past 2weeks that you weren't on my mind. oh man. i miss you so. ahh. guess i gotta go. wanna talk to her. ciao people. blog again next week.
you and me, we're gonna last a lifetime together.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
that dreaded day
ahh. i've spent everyday of the pass 2plus weeks with b. and she has been sucha wonderful girl every single time we met. thank you so so much b. and today, she accompanied me throughout the day and night and yeah, even though its a little quieter than usual, but i still really really enjoyed her company. ahhh. i'm so gonna miss her so much, more than anyone and anything else. no words can describe how much i love her. and everything has been just so perfect since i met her and she made my last month of freedom really really worthwhile. well, she's mine, all mine. :D
anyway, yeap, she already gave me a lifetime worth of memories within 43days. ahh. there'll still be many many more to come. and i'm gonna miss you and reminisce bout you just as much as you would b. you'll always be in my heart and mind no matter what i'm doing.
oh man, i don't wish for tonight to end. cause i want the cuddles and kisses to last, and time will stop at that moment... ahhhh.
well. this will be my last blog in awhile. so i'll end it off with something for you b.
What is love,
but a kiss on a rainy day,
a smile that won't go away,
a safe place to run to.
What is love,
but a complicated simple truth,
a bond between me and you.
It's the little things like holding hands
and longing stares,
that means the world to me
and I don't want to share them with anyone
but you in this lifetime.
Perhaps you'd be a bit surprised how often,
a joke,
a song,
a memory
will make me think of you.
I've searched my soul,
and know that its you.
you might only be someone in this world,
but you are the world in someone's eyes.
meeting you was the best thing that ever happened,
and i'll cherish you with everything i've got.
so with all my heart and soul,
i would just wanna say that
and you'll always be my #1.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
early tuesday morning
well well, i just came back. and i met my pretty baby just now, and it was a great 1 monthsary. she cooked for me! weee. the first girlfriend to ever to. and seriously, all 4 dishes were really nice b. ahhh. it could work out that you'll be a wonderful housewife in the future. hahaha. and! she gave me a nice lil' surprise, something that really really left me pretty speechless, it was sweet, it was simple and it was lovely dear. =))
and, she acutally took her time to actually dictate out all the happenings that has happened ever since we met to me. everything from how i was like before we met and after we met, the first kiss, the first time we held hands, and some things that said that made her smile and the ups and downs. weeeeee. there has never been a girl thats sweeter than you b. and you know, throughout the entire day, i was pretty speechless becuase of the things you've done for me. she just confessed bout everything she've felt bout me, and b, i believe in you, and this feeling will not go away. thank you so much for everything you've done for me. its gonna be a long road ahead, but yes, i know you'll always be there whenever i need someone. i love you so.
If one day you find someone better than me,
I hope she feels the exact same way I feel when Im with you.
I hope she makes you laugh
and I hope she makes you smilebut most of all,
I hope that never happens
because I neverwant anybody to get the chance to see how amazing you are
and that smile of yours belongs to me.
I love you adeline goh si ying.
this love will not fade.
you'll always be my #1.
and to love and to be loved,
is the greatest happiness of existence.
you'll always be the one.
Monday, October 6, 2008
love ade.
its been a wonderful wonderful month for us.
a month have felt like a year.
and i'm gonna keep this simple.
you're the best i ever had.
never has someone been so sweet.
and never has someone brought me so much big smiles.
so with all my heart,
adeline goh si ying,
i love you.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Adeline Goh Si Ying.
the world stops for a moment,
the stars stop shining,
the moon stops glowing,
the earth stops breathing,
all that's alive is our love ...
I love you.
she's oh so right for me.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
early thursday morning
oh my, i'm left with 7 days flat. darn. hahaha. time flies. and i met b again today. well, i ta pao-ed zhi cha for her today and we had some super ghetto picnic underneath a block somewhere near her place. dinner menu, sweet and sour pork, french beans with mince meat, prawn omelette! hahaha. had a super wonderful "picnic", i know she had a good time too. then we met her sis, and went to west mall to walk around after and walked back to her place after, i've enjoyed long walks til i met her because i'm super lazy, but well well, baby changed my perception of it yet again. haha. and i made laugh til she dropped on the floor. hahahaa. and i was playing mr strong man carrying her around, and she fell twice. hahahah. sorry baby!!! hahaha.
yest we went to that henderson wave thingy, and we walked from mount faber to kent ridge park, super super jackass. hahaha. and we actually got caught in the rain when we got to thetop of kent ridge, and we walked in the rain hand in hand and we actually did something funny under the pouring rain. ahh. i love you dear.
oh well, i just want to let everyone know that i've the bestest best gf in the world, and i love her many many. and baby, i'll stand true by you, i know you will too. and words can't show how much i love you but yeah, you know. =)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
early tuesday morning
once again, i can't go to bed. and the reason is there's only 9days of freedom left. fuckfuckfuck. i've not had enough fun, i've not partied enough, i've not spent enough time with my best friends and lastly, i've not spent enough time with my love. ahhh. i remembered so vaguely how i told the bffs that i had 6more months la. no worries. and fuck, now there's like 9days left. oh man. yeah, ns isn't really a big deal, everyone has to go through it, but yeah, i've to let go of my life to serve the fucking nation for 22months. what the heck man. ahh. its driving me crazy to think i've so only 9days left to enjoy myself. and i know she'll be there everyday if i want her to be.
fucking crazy thoughts are running through my mind now.
i'm being paranoid again.
maybe i should go to sleep.
good morning world.
and good night to myself.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
everything went from wrong to right because of you b.
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.
When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.
How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again?
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.
More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it's all because you're by my side.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
which placed the smile back on my face,
which gave me everything that i needed to get me through the day.
there hasn't been any thats sweeter,
there hasn't been any that made me feel like how i feel right now.
you gave me your heart,
and i gave you my everything.
you said i love you,
and i said i love you with all my heart and soul.
i know its real.
i gave up looking for that one special girl back then,
when i figured i wasn't good enough,
with my moral as low as ever,
there you were,
and i knew,
you had be that girl that i had go the distance with.
you took my breath away,
you gave me everything that i once, could only hope and wish for.
the love,
the sweetness,
the feeling i get when i walk down the street with you.
i'll take you by the hand and take you somewhere new,
because i know b,
that you're the right one for me.
Friday, September 19, 2008
good morning revivals.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
early tuesday night
norman: how was all the dates with your girlfriend so far?
konrad: just call her ade la.
norman: okay fine! how was all the dates wth ADE so far?
konrad: been wonderful man.
norman: great, then how was the first time you held hands and kissed?
konrad: (shows handsign, _l_) thats confidential la fucker.
konrad: but fuck man, i was so fucking nervous when i wanted to hold her hand, you know, i was going like should i or shouldn't i, should i or shouldn't i?
norman: fuck la, you weak sia.
konrad: fuck man, first time right?
norman: you dare to 180 10fucking steps, you dare to 360 the stupid box jump on first attempt, you dare to ride downhill, you don't fucking dare to hold her hand?
konrad: (silence)
and both of us burst of in laughter for at least 3minutes. i was laughing so hard and i got owned. hahahahaha. fuck you norman. hahahaahahaha. oh man, i'm laughing and typing this, well. hahahaha. first times are always the most nervous. hor hor hor? hahahaa. okay fine. i shall stop. okay bye. hahaha
Sunday, September 14, 2008
late sunday night.
well. it has been a wonderful weekend for me and i'm pretty sure it was for her too. ahh. it was a wonderful 24hours with you b. =) well, movie, dim sum, chilling out and the rest is for us to know. hahaha.
yeap. some picsssssss. there were quite a handful, but as usual, i spoilt alot of pics.
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
early thursday
i miss you so much suddenly.
i just hope i didn't do anything wrong.
and i'm real sorry if i did b.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
early wednesday morning.
anyway, yeah, caught forgetting sarah marshall with b at cathay, fuck and the show was funny. and i was pretty sure the show had more shots of dicks than boobies, in fact, there were no boobies at all. oh man. darn. anyway, yeah, the day was wonderful as usual with her company. and we kinda took a few pics, i'll post up the nicer ones. anyway, b, everything you texted me bout, yes i do know. and i love you too.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
mid tuesday morning
konrad is so not looking forward to it.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I swear the whole world stops
You're my sweetheart
And I'm so glad that you are mine
You are one of a kind
And girl,
I'm so into you,
With every kiss and every hug,
You make me fall in love.
You know I love you,
You know that I'll be true,
You know that I won't lie,
You know that I would try,
To be your everything .
I don't need anyone else,
I just need your all or nothing,
Cause Baby, you're the best part of my life.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
early sunday morning
had to reluctantly get outta bed today because si kiat needed to fix his bike and he's in need of sleep when he met me. hahahaha. don't ride your motor when you're sleepy you idiot. haha. went to hang out with munzir and him after at west coast. ahhh. i lost 2games to munzir in winning eleven 11 on psp today in the most extreme conditions, we were playing the damn psps with rain smacking on the screen, on our face, ahh. everywhere. hahaha. super hardcore extreme gaming conditions. hahaha. fuckkkk, i've not lost a game in winning eleven years. darn it. bloody weather. oh yeah, its a soccer game. haha.
anyhoooooo, i met my dearest ade after. haha. had coffee bean, then headed to town, it was like 1230 am when we got there and it was a pretty last minute decision. andddd. we walked, and walked, and walked. i've seriously never enjoyed sucha long walk in my life. i would be complaining if it was with others. butttt hand in hand, it was a really nice walk. hahahaha. well. as usual, she's really sweet, and i mean really sweet. haha. ahhh. the rest is for me to know. and her sandals gave way half way. hahahahaha. and i need new ones too. and she bought me a fire extinguisher, literally. jyeah. hahaha. was supposed to send her home by 2 but i was a lil' late. and i liked how the lift was really slow. hahahahahahaha. anyway, she called me b. ahhhhh. that put a very very big smile on my face. oh man. been a wonderful day.
and oh yeah, i really really don't think i need riding in my life anymore. there comes a point in life when it has to stop, and i'm thinking bout stopping. overly lazy. and i've not rode seriously for at least a couple of months. actually, ever since i won the comp, i don't feel the want to anymore. oh man... anyway, gotta sleep man. super tired. so yeah, be back soon. ciao guys.
and hafiz, break up is the answer. you and i know it, don't hurt yourself more and don't walk the road that i've been through, if you don't see her as the one, there's no point in holding on. there's always someone better. and please, nc-16. haha
you brought the colours and smiles back into my life.
you're my sweet escape.
Friday, September 5, 2008
early friday morning.
hahaha. well. you didn't expect me to save that right. but so happened i did. haha. oh guess what, she just made me smile again by texting me randomly in the middle of her sleep. hahaha. oh man. have this girl blown me away. no wonder she's my superwoman. anyway, last night was a disaster trying to fall asleep. she'll probably know what happened, shan't say it out. i should be in bed now. but, once again, i find myself thinking bout her. she gives me something to smile bout before i sleep, and after i open my eyes everyday without fail. awwww. she's the best thing that has happened to me in years... ahh. <3.>
trust me, i wouldn't ruin it babe. <3
Thursday, September 4, 2008
to that one special girl.
i wish to turn back time.
i wish you never said what you said.
i wish that i've not fallen so deep.
i wish that i never have to feel like this again.
i wish everything would've turned out the way i wanted it to.
i wish i said what i wanted to say.
it happened six months ago.
it's happening now.
why do you have to be like this konrad...
why ain't you good enough...
why does this always happen to me...
why do i always lose someone when i've started to give my everything...
deep down.
i wish i said i'll give you my all.
i wish i said i'll mend all the pieces of your broken heart.
i wish i said don't worry, everything's gonna be fine.
i wish i said i'll eliminate all your insecurities.
i wish i said you're the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.
i wish i said i <3 you.
yes ade. i've fallen for you.
and i love you.
you know i speak of nothing but the truth.
and now.
with all my heart.
i'll tell you that.
everything's gonna be alright.
and i'll walk you through it all.
the good and the bad.
i wish that you'll....................................................
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
early tuesday morning.
i'm actually having really big contemplations on the frame i should be getting.
somehow i wished to get a transition double, and continue riding bmx.
or get a ns capital or usb molly.
shit man. i wished i would get sponsored by some mtb company in singapore so i wouldn't need to contemplate so much on frames.
ahhh. enlistment is 38days away. i wished i had more time now. i was looking forward to it. til i met this special girl. this girl literally blew me away like no one else ever did. i never expected myself to actually feel this way bout things. time is super limited. i only wished i had more time to get to know her better. but sigh. i don't know. i'm actually really worried bout how things would work out. i kinda regretted not holding her hand on the walk home. i blew my chance. ahhh. oh fuck. maybe you just think too much konrad... well... everyday, i'm falling deeper and hoping that this would somehow work out well. i really don't wanna lose someone else that i care so much for. but, you just make me feel that everything's gonna be okay. before i met you, my life was in pieces. whole year has been shit, and i thought ns would occupy me enough to actually help me forget my troubles. but then you came along. and everything just seemed so... right. i've never been happier the entire year. i wished i could tell you that i wanna be your guy, but somehow i just don't feel good enough either... a part of me has been lost over the past few years. and thats confidence. slowly but surely, i hope to gain it back. nevertheless, there'll always be a special place for you in my heart.
tell me, that you want me as much as i want you to be a part of my life.
and i'll give you my all.
i promise.
i meant it when i said i'm going head over heels for you.
and baby, you're that special girl.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I don’t know how to start,
But as each day goes by I wish you would open your heart.
Sometimes I wish I could dream forever,
Then that way we’ll always be together.
Unfortunately though, I wake up,
And I hate how reality always seems to suck.
At home it’ll be just another day,
Another day that I’ll try to suppress my feelings for you away.
late sunday morning
oh man.
its the first,
and i hope the last time it ever happens.
i was having so much fun yo.
but at least i remembered everything that happened.
the memories will always be there.=)
and if it was one person whom i needed last night,
it was my superwoman.
i really really didn't mean for it to happen babe.
i'm sorry girl.
Friday, August 29, 2008
early friday evening
anddd, i'm sorry that i didn't cheer superwoman uppp. she didn't seem to be very happy yest. well. cheer up babe! like you said, its a brand new day. yeahh, i'm looking forward to your text later on. so yeap,thats bout it, going with luke and co. now. be back to update soooon.
wise men say,
only fools rush in,
but i can't help,
falling in love with you.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
early thursday morning.
having someone to text,
having someone whom you'll wake up and smile to yourself about.
having someone to give you good morning msges,
having someone that'll wish you the sweetest dreams at night.
having someone to think bout when things get dull.
having someone that you know will make your day worthwhile.
having someone that you'll giggle bout in front of your phone.
i'm pretty sure that i don't miss any of that anymore,
because you're my superwoman.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
let these roses,
In their purity,
Be a present symbol,
Of my feelings for thee.
Underneath the blossom,
Thorns are sure to grow.
Take heed lest you touch them,
They would pain you so!
Ahhh! my faults like thorns are,
But cannot they be
Hidden 'neath the flower
Of my feelings for thee.
But forbidden are my feelings for thee,
as i can't let myself fall for you.
Keeping my feelings at bay,
is the only way i could ease the temptations.
early tuesday morning!
you were til i came along. i know. hahahahha
Thursday, August 14, 2008
early thursday morning.
here's the 360's that i believed got me that podium finish.
so here're the pics. :)

early thursday morning
there're so many thoughts running through my mind,
that its driving me nuts.
oh well.
i doubt i'll be a priority in her eyes anyway.
so don't count on it konrad...
once upon a time i was falling in love, now i'm only falling apart.
once uopn a time there was light in my life, now there's only love in the dark.
come back baby please.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
early sunday morning
been a week since the box jump comp ended. it was a fucking great success. i actually didn't wanna join, but yeah, darren had put my name in last minute and forced me in. shit. hahaha. and i actually got 2nd. 1st comp, 1st podium finish. fuck yeah. hahahaha. check out the pics.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
early saturday morning
suffering chest pain for 3days...
my heart is like pressing against my ribcage...
doc says my heart swelled up,
but he doesn't have an explanation for it...
the fucking painkillers are not working...
and he asked me to stop any physcial activities for a week.
oh man...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
early wednesday morning.
just finished "alot like love" again.
it just made me miss someone again.
oh my.
talked to her bestie bout her just now.
maybe i do miss her.
i lied when i said i won't be coming back.
i lied when i said i gave up on us.
but yeah.
i probably won't have the guts to tell you.
thats why i'm writing this.
i gave so much to you.
and yeah.
i still remember the good times and the bad.
you were the only girl who ever stood by me,
through the tough times and the bad.
the only girl who ever really understood me.
i guess whenever we're together,
i hurt you more,
each time we got closer.
i'm pretty sure you were the only girl that i ever said ilu to.
i still remember that very first date to esplanade
that very first kiss.
and that very first time you said ilu on the phone.
maybe it wasn't love.
maybe it was just alot like love...
i don't know.
you'll probably be reading this.
and you probably know who you are.
i need you.
and i miss you.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
early wednesday morning
ahh. comp's coming. feeling the need to push myself.
i forsee like i will get top 3 because i believe i'm one of the top mtb riders in singapore.
but in someway, my tricks are not getting there yet.
maybe i care too much bout style.
been landing my 360s all day long but i'm still not happy with it.
i don't know.
wrecking my brain out, been trying all kinda variations.
i can't get my inverts or tables right either.
maybe i push too hard.
ahhh. comp's coming.
its my proving ground.
first comp, kinda psyched, kinda nervous, but at the same time kinda looking forward to it.
maybe john was right,
i shouldn't join a comp just because i wanna win,
the fun with friends is what matters the most.
but come to think of it.
almost all mtb riders are suckers.
so much politics, too lil' fun.
fuck you.
thats why i rather hang out with bmx-ers.
and thats why i bring my bmx style in.
i ride better than most of you,
yet you guys are still being arrogant, ignorant, self-centred bastards.
you should spend your time talking on your riding shitheads.
ahhh. even if i wasn't in all your online rants,
i still feel the need to let you realise how much you guys suck at riding.
come this 27th.
i will do my best.
and the rest shall fall.
try me boys.
ahhh.i so badly wanna win.
and this is my bike. :)
clean,brakeless. its the sex yo.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
mid tuesday afternoon
ahhh. couldn't resist. can't get it outta my mind. anyway, yeah, been really irritated over the past week. haha. nvm. means i ride more and progress more. anyway, was out riding street with the guys around batok yest again and then, tada, i saw something i always wanted to try since a i don't know when, a 180 down the unloading bay. hahaha. which is bout. hmmm. i dont know. maybe 6-7steps? ate shit on the first 3 tries but i pulled off the 4th so cleanly. jyeahhh! hahaha. everyone was clapping so yeah, i'm psyched bout it. thanks for pushing me guys.
oh yeah, last friday, i was out with luke pp and his 2 poly friends jiehao and qixiang (birthday boy!), 2 reallyreally nice guys and yeah, damn they've a great sense of humour too. hahaha. and luke pp, please don't feel left out if you're the only non-smoker. hahahahahaha!!! dined at spaggedies, and went to harry's bar after. felt bad that qixiang had to settle all the bill even though its his birthday. but yeah, for the amount of fun we had, it was priceless. thanks for the fun night guys, especially you qixiang.
anyway, yeah. i'm bored everyday, i don't have anything to do, don't have anything to look forward to. life's been really boring. nvm. samantha josephine kay! u better keep your promise. hahahaha. ciao guys. be back soon!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
early thursday morning
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
early wednesday evening
been awhile since i went out to catch a movie or something. life's been all bout sleeping, waking up, cs-ing, ride, come back and sleep and the cycle continues. jia lat la konrad! how?! hahahahah.
october 16th please come soon.
oh man, come to think of it, i haven't even attended my napfas yet. hahaha. oh well, pull-up isn't one of my worries anymore. 12 isn't a problem, i could pull 17finally. hahahah. shit man, to think i was struggling to do even 6 in sec4. weak la huh. haha.
oh man, think i should go and ride later, but weather's looking pretty bad. yikes! yeap, i shall end my rants here. ciaoooo!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
late wednesday morning
sorry for the lack of blogs recently, lappie went for service bout 2 weeks back. anyway, its been a shitty month for me. been lazing around the house yet again and been reminiscing bout lotsa stuff. been shopping alot lately ever since the gss started and shit, its gonna end soon. and guess what, i finally got my eyebrow pierced like 2 days back, kinda a hasty decision. but no regrets, gotta get inked again soon. desgin be up soon. hahaha. anyway, was drinking at my place with fab, watt and alvin last night cos it was watt's belated b'day, shit yo, too much alcohol! one almost new bottle of absolut mandarin from me, and one new bottle of london dry gin frm watt. all of us ended up getting really intoxicated and they after smoking countless cigs, we ended up walking over to toh guan to get some ba chor mee. hahahaha. it was really hilarious, fab fell into this ditch and he didn't even know til he was lying on the ground. hahahahaha! kudos to you fab! and the rest of us tried our very best to be sober. ahhh. fun night drinking, a shot of booze a day keeps the doctor at bay! haha.
been riding alot recently too. getting my style right. and yeah, been quite hapyp with it so far.
my enlistment date is october 16th!!! tekong here i come.
Friday, June 13, 2008
mid friday evening
didn't believed what everyone was telling me,
but yeah,
seeing is believing.
seems like you've moved on pretty well.
glad that you've found a guy that makes you happy,
sorry i wasn't good enough,
and i wish you all the best with him babe!
you should know who you are.
there's always a special place somewhere in my heart for you. :)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
late saturday morning.
i didn't even had the heart to say a simple goodbye nor a hi.
i choked on my words.
i can't bring myself to talk to you.
i don't know why...
i miss you.
Monday, May 19, 2008
early monday morning.
just came from riding the entire day. anyway, i converted back to mountain bike. blk mrkt riot. jyeah. fucking high end, traded my bmx for it. anyway, i landed 360s on my mtb, and shit i finally hope 360s on a bmx. feeling the sense of achievement finally. soooo happpyyy! hahaha.
kay la. going to bed. update when i'm up later. ciao!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
early tuesday morning
feel the need for speeeeeeeeed!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
early thursday morning
anyway, just had my first motor accident today. fuck it man. now my left leg is filled with abrasions and my knee is aching. argh.
anyway, yeah, been hanging out recently. nothing much to do. just chilling out with the mountain bike gang at entertainment after work or if si kiat books out i had hang out with him and jiaming instead. pay's in. got lotsa money to spend. but i don't have anything to buy and i don't have the time nor the mood to go out to town too. everyday's bout work,work and work. started my job as a bike mechanic at treknology at holland village for almost 3 weeks. and yeah, its been hectic. bike after bike after bike. oh man. wears me out. just hope that i get enlisted asap. nothing much has happened since my last blog so yeah, i don't really have much to say. life's been really boring. i just hope i had get a new job man.
oh yeah, i'm selling my bmx too. don't have the mood, time nor heart to ride bmx anymore. yeap. thats bout all. ciao.
i miss you.
Friday, April 25, 2008
early friday morning
ratboy's going into tekong later at 10am! so the guys and a babe decided to drink the night away. me, sinyee, wattana, jonathan(ratboy) and donglun and kit the only non-drinker of the day with his "i don't drink because i'm a devoted musilm now" shit. hahahahaha. kit ah kit, you know you should give in to temptation.
it was so fun reliving the chill days with the coolest people of b3. how i wish b3 was filled with the people of yester-year. when people didn't think so much of improving but the joy of riding. fuck improving man, i'm pass that stage. it was just pure enjoyment today, alcohol, cigs, laughter and joy. how i miss those days. i miss riding too. anyway, got a new job at treknology as a bike mechanic. gonna report to work with a hangover. at least i have kit to cover for me. haha. shit man, so much alcohol today.haven't got so high in awhile. hahaha. kay la. better get going before i talk anymore shit. ciao guys! =)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
early sunday morning
anyway, been riding quite often lately. don't really have much to do. school's gonna start soon for most, and yeah, those that know, yeah. i'm just gonna stone even more. gonna go for an interview at guess on either monday or tuesday. lets pray i get the job, so i can get even more stuff for myself. actually not, i gotta save, get a bloody motor, increase my bank account from the pathetic 2 bucks thats left inside, and probably enjoy life while i still can.
been kinda down lately, i mean yeah, i got kicked out and shit, it only adds to everything that has happened over the past couple of months. 08 has nothing but been a shitty year to begin with. so many things has happened... oh well, what's done's done. i just don't wish to be the person that i've turned into lately... thoughts been running through my mind and shits been messing it up. i've always been the sort that broods over stuff when i'm alone or when i'm feeling fucked. oh well. hope i could step outta the darkness and start looking on the bright side, but shit, there isn't any "bright side" to anything that've happened. argh.
anyway, i'm pretty much looking forward to ns now. gonna get it over and done with. just hope i could get posted to some chiong-sua shit like guards or the air force or naval diving or something. at least i could be better than si kiat, hahahahahahaha!!! armour infantry boy. hahahaha. oh well. come what may, i believe i'm tough enough and i will not chao keng. haha.
and xiang ying, if you're looking at this, i miss you. so many things left unsaid. yeahh. there hasn't been a day that passed that i've thought bout you...
anyway, i've watched romeo and juliet like 7 times in a month. i'm addicted. haha.
anyway, gotta go, gonna work tomorrow. 10bucks per hour for 5, fuck yeah. haha. nights. ciao!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
early saturday morning
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
early tuesday morning
anyway, gonna be down at town to ride later at bout 11am with nigel and co. hopefully i'll have the mood to. haven't been riding for a month. kinda lost the interest in it but oh well, i just wanna pass my time. hopefully the weather won't be as shitty as the past few days.
anyway, would like to thank sk for his company throughout the most of last week. he was having his 1 week passing-out break. brought me around on his bike and yeah, thanks for hearing me out man, not forgetting jm too. =) you guys have always been there when i needed someone. anyway, yeah, i guess i don't have much to talk bout anywhere, so yeah, gonna end here. nights.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
early tuesday morning
1)new media
2)integrated events management
3)hotel and hospitality management
4)business computing
5)digital media
shit happens, anyway, went to zouk to last tuesday with darren and ryan, was really really fun, we were dancing on the central stage for bout during the last 2 hourse, giselle joined us halfway through. haven't seen her since i left kent ridge. anyway, yeah, i'm having regular moodswings, been so moody ever since dismissal. haven't even told daddy. fuck it man. i'm so screwed.
Friday, March 14, 2008
early fri morning
fucking stressed bout it.
getting kicked out seems so much of a reality now.
save me.
Friday, March 7, 2008
early friday morning
yet another sleepless night. i'm so sick and tired of insomnia. i'm so lethargic, yet i can't sleep. it has been like these ever since the stupid exams. i sleep at 1am, wake up at 4am, stay awake til 9am, sleep til 11am. and i go out. fuck this man, seriously. argh. this has been causing me to smoke more than usual. argh. it still hasn't become an addiction. just a temporary solution to the mess thats been created inside my mind.
i've been so moody lately, i've been staying home for the past week. i don't feel like riding, neither do i feel like doing anything. i've a new frame, new downhill bike, but i just don't feel like leaving my place. seriously, i want my life back. si kiat's in army, hafiz don't know what he doing, jia ming working. fuck. i hope coming tuesday at zouk would turn out well and i won't stone in there like how i'm stoning at home everyday.
results out in a week from now. i've exactly one week to enjoy which i don't think i would before i face the truth. sigh. i don't even know where i'm going in life anymore. no hopes, no dreams. fuck. i want my life back. argh.
sign,sealed&delivered @ 6.03am
Friday, February 29, 2008
early friday morning
anyway, had some updates on my bike. guess its gonna be the last few. already got everything that i want on it now besides the seat. so yeah. gonna stop spending and start saving.
been a slow start to the holidays. hadn't really had much fun yet. been stoning at home, either that or going out to ride for a short while. but seriously, the more i ride, i more i'm losing the heart to. don't feel like improving. and i feel as though i'm giving up which is not right.
need to find myself a date for the holidays more often so i can hangout more instead of confining myself in my stupid room. oh well. i still miss her and somehow i miss my ex-gf too. hahaha. i don't know why. don't ask me.
been struck with insomnia lately and i can't sleep. somebody help? please?
going to find something to occupy myself for now. ciao!
signed,sealed & delivered @ 3.08am
hope you like the present that i got for you girl.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
mid sunday evening
yeahh! club, ride, alcohol and pure enjoyment for 2months. feels good. hahaha. all i lack now is a girl. =( oh well. don't really have much to say. anyway, i wanna go phuture on wedenesday! but i don't know if the rest are okay bout it, i know kelvin and j-z are definately in. hahaha. oh well. see how it goes. jyeah. haha. kay. blog again later.
Friday, February 22, 2008
early friday morning
been awhile since i updated. ever since the exams started huh.. all the papers been kinda shit so far, whatever that we did in the past year papers, kinda messed up in the final one. fuck.. tomorrow might the last time i ever step into the ngee ann exam hall again. oh man. getting kicked out seem like a reality now. ohwell.
anyway, been down with a fever since last saturday. almost been a week. been feeling so lethargic ever since. i can't sleep properly, keep tossing and turning in my bed. argh. the worse feeling is you're really really tired and yet you can't fall asleep. insomnia suck big time.
oh well, at least tomorrow's my last paper, gonna end the worries and hopefully get some rest for the time being til the results day come.
her birthday's coming up in 3 days, how should i go about doing it... i don't know... i hope you'll like this like how you liked the previous one i gave you. this will be my last goodbye to you babe... but i still hope you'll talk to me one day.
gotta go mug for my last. gonna work hard for it because memorising is my forte.
signed,sealed & delivered @ 2.31am
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
early wednesday morning
first off, gong xi fa cai. haha.
been another bad start to another new year,
lost 340 in 2 rounds while playing in between,
got back on the 3rd and 4th day though.
anyway, got some upgrades to my bike,
and i landed my hop 3's down 3steps 2days back at b.panjang.
yeah balls!
ate shit on the first 2 tries,
but got it dialed after.
so stoked bout it.
had a photoshoot at b3 today.
not bad.
not gonna say much, let the pics do talking.
haha. i look dumb in a few. cheers. hahaha.
and check out my matching pipes yo!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
early wednesday morning
been a bad bad start to 08,
nothing's been going well.
so badly,
i wanna speak to you,
but the words just wouldn't escape my mouth.
the pain i feel inside,
of keeping everything to myself.
maybe its better that way.
your pm,
your nick,
i don't know,
maybe i think too much,
maybe i'm right...
yet another day has passed with me constantly thinking bout you,
yet another night has passed with me constantly hoping that your name will appear at the bottom of my screen.
guess it ain't gonna happen.
i always thought,
maybe i meant something to you,
and i guess i'm oh so wrong.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
early saturday evening.
fucked my right ankle.
was doing my usual 360s,
and pop, i was lying on the floor,
looking at the sky.
still hurting quite bad now,
suppose to be out soon to town,
with sikiat and jiaming,
to get some cny stuffs even though i claimed i've gotten all of what i need.
now its time for what i want.
i want my fucking hair back.
look like some 10year lil' girl.
early saturday morning
trying to keep my mind off some stuffs.
i miss you.
fuck the weather,
been so unpredictable.
plans got screwed today.
gonna sleep now,
so i can wake up early to ride b4 by myself.
don't wish to associate with anyone.
Friday, February 1, 2008
early friday night
girl, you know who you are,
and if you're reading this,
i want you to know how much i miss you,
and it has never been the same without those laughters and happy times we once shared.
Let me be the one who calls you
baby all the time,
Surely you can take some comfort
knowing that you're mine.
Just hold me tight,
lay by my side,
and let me be the one who calls you baby all the time.
I found my place in the world,
Could stare at your face
for the rest of my days
Now I can breathe,
turn my insides out
and smother me.
When I'm alone time goes so slow,
I need you here with me,
And how my mistakes
have made your heart break,
Still I need you here with me
So baby I, baby I'm here,
so please, let me the one who calls you baby all the time.