Wednesday, December 26, 2007

early wedenesday morning

To that someone whom i had held on to for 3years,
It's gonna burn for me to say this
But it's comin from my heart
It's been a long time coming
But we have fell apart
Really wanna work this out
But I don't think you're gonna change
I do but you don't
Think it's best we go our separate ways
Tell me why I should stay in this relationship
When I'm hurting and I ain't happy
Plus theres so many other things
I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it go.
I'm sorry.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

early tuesday morning

sup yo. haha. been a great week. =)

turned 18 on friday, oh well, went to zouk with kelvin, jian zhong, sikiat and jiaming. haha. oh well, had a blast there even though all of us weren't really cool with dancing to house music. grrr. haha. anyway, had my haircut today, oh my, why is it that i always cutting my hair after? went to thin it down. oh well, gonna keep it shaggy again. looks better i guess.

anyway, i'm gonna drop by k.l later on with mum and sis. yup. shopping la! haha. gonna cont christmas shopping. already got a few tops frm a-x and guess. and i got 3 pairs of ck today. that adds to the collection . hahaha. sis told me the gucci belts is retailing at bout 360sgd over there. hmmm, thats bout 80 off retail. might give it a shot, see how it goes. haha. pay day came early. luckily for me! haha.

and i'm gonna change some stuffs on my bike too, rear wheel is getting done up right now, changing my bar, stem and crank probably by week-end. yeap. and the other day, i was talking to habel bout getting a pit-bike, oh, and it seems he's got some good deals off it. yeap! hahaha. i'm getting one for christmas, fuck, oh course i'm paying for it myself. haha. yeahhh. gonna go around riding round the neighbourhood in the middle of the night. carparks and streetswill have a whole new meaning to it!

ahhh. i don't have much more to buy cept a belt, shoes which i had yet to decide on fallen or emerica and my birkenstock slippers which is outta my size. argh. burberry still doesn't have my brown polo too. went to check yest when i was out with syaz. damn! oh well, i already got what i wanted, so yeah man! hahaha. probably dropping by zouk on wednesday again. mambo night biatch! haha

yup. gotta grab some sleep before i wake up in 2 hours time. and oh yes, i'm going out with her on sat. eeeyyyyyeeaaah! =) nights! ciao!

signed,sealed & delivered @

Thursday, December 13, 2007

early thursday morning.

16hours from my final paper and 24hours from turning 18, i'm just feeling oh so bummed. nothing's been going really well, oh well, not til coming friday i guess. gonna partyyyyy. yeahhh. best thing is all my best-buds gonna be there. yeap. common test been shit by the way, i skipped maths paper on tuesday because i was down with fever, i can't really be bothered to mug. something's been bothering me. yeah, i'm gonna ride more after my birthday to keep my mind off those unhappy thoughts. ahhh. i really need a break from all these! grrr. anyway, si kiat and jia ming forced me to work next week when i'm supposed to be hanging out or something, oh well, gives a shit, gonna skip one day of work at least. been too lazy to work and i don't really need the spare dough anyway.

and oh yeah, been bored and been catching alot of shows recently, heartbreak kid was hilarious, hitman was action packed and city of god, speechless, an explicit in depth show bout thugs and stuff in rio de janerio in brazil.

oh yeah, done my christmas shopping too, 2guess tops, 2 a-x tops, now i'm waiting for a few bottoms, which i'm really picky bout. i've too few but the selection's really limited too. oh well, don't have much left in my bank after my birthday, damn. nvm, pay's coming anyway. upgrading stuffs on my bmx too. ohh. spending season. retail theraphy works.

anyway, gotta go eat my dinner, yeah i know its late, don't really have an appetite, well, just eating for the sake of it. ciao

Monday, December 10, 2007

early monday morning

there're so many things i wanna say.
but it ain't coming outta my mouth.
its just something i had rather keep to myself,
and not let you know...
why is it that whenever i start to believe in someone,
i'll never fail to lose that person...
love is just a word to me from here on,
neither a feeling,
nor a belief.
truth is,
it hurts,
and i've lose faith in it.
the things you said,
keeps repeating in my mind,
like a record player.
it rolled down my cheek,
i just figured something out today,
that you felt the same way at one point of time,
but those mishaps caused you to lose faith in me,
tell me why please?
what have i ever done,
to give you a reason,
to hurt me like that?
there's just so many questions,
but i'm afraid of all the answers...

you were the one i believed in girl, but now, i should just walk away silently...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

early saturday morning

Days felt like months when you were away.
I really hoped things would work out,
after you being there time after time,
after all the happiness and smiles you brought.
I wished that we would never have met,
so that i would've save both of us from this moment.
I thought everything was going so well,
I thought maybe it had work out somehow.
21st november will be always be a day thats special,
that very first time,
that very first date.
so many times,
my hands were close to yours,
but i just didn't have the guts to hold it.
when you walked away,
i count the steps that you take.
and remember the time i said,
the feeling of knowing that someone is there whenever you wake up,
you gave me that joy.
now that its gone,
all i can do is reminisce bout the past,
and wonder where i've gone wrong.
maybe i just wasn't good enough,
maybe i just wasn't your sort.
i would do anything,
to see that smile of yours again,
the smile that never fail to put one my face,
the smile that caught my eye.
thanks for everything,
and it will end here.

you left me speechless tonight.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

late thursday night

suppp. woooots! i finally got inked yesterday! well well well. hahaha. the pics are below, anyway, was out on a date with someone yesterday, and yeap, it went really well, at least for me. and i really had a great time with her, its a feeling i've not felt in a long while. =) ahhh. she was a lil late at the beginning but oh well. hahaha. yeap, she was there when i got inked, and damn, i'm not gonna lie, it does hurt, especially the last letter D because its right at the hip bone. hahaha. ah, the shading hurt like crap but oh well, it was still manageable, nothing that will make me squirm or scream or whatever. haha. after that we chilled at starbucks and yeah, sent her home after. and yeap, i had a great time, and i hope there'll definately be a next time. hahaha. ahhh. she totally made my day. i'm just so happy. hadn't felt like this in a long while. =)

yeap, she's going overseas tomorrow anyway. so yeah, i'll spend this weekend riding. yeap, hadn't done that in a long while but yeah. looking forward to it. haha. anyway, i'll blog again tomorrow, kinda tired now. ciao!

signed, sealed and delivered @ 11.49pm
there's something about you, that caught my eye like no other.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

early saturday morning.

ahhh. suppp.

today i learned a very important lesson in bmx, a high speed 180 7step gap will result in my neck hurting, a sprained left wrist, an oh so heavy left arm and multiple abrasions. but i still walked away with pride. =) go big or go home biatch! though it hurts like fuck, but oh well, crashing is part and parcel of learning. i had the guts to try it, walked away bummed, and still, i wanna do it again when i'm better. going to bed now. hope she replies.

lets see how i feel when i wake up! ciao!

signed,sealed & delivered @ 5.05am

Friday, November 16, 2007

late friday morning.


been an alright week i guess. although something shitty happened last saturday, oh well. it will be the last time i ever go out with her. fuck. got slapped for nothing. argh. it never pay to be the nice guy huh. anyway, thank you xy for cheering me up yeah. =) ahhh. for the past 3 days, i've been sleeping for only 3 and a half hours everyday. and i'm feeling so bummed now. skipped work and went to ride last night, kinda fucked my left ankle again. oh well, its always giving me problems. and i think i'm going down town to ride tonight.

anyway, recently, there's been someone that has been really nice. i don't really know how you feel, but yeah. =) had a great chat with you on wednesday, hadn't talked to anyone for 4hours for sucha long time! haha. but yeah, you should get how i feel. and yeah, i'm pretty stoked bout next wednesday.

anyway, gotta get my tattoo done this coming wednesday, like finally. eeeyyyyeaaahhh! gotta go for now, blog again soon.

sign,sealed & delivered @ 10.17am

Thursday, November 8, 2007

early thursday morning.

yeah. its the deepavali holidays.

just got home from work. been a really fucked up day... besides the booze i downed unreluctantly, there were just so many shit going on. i downed bout 6 small sized bottles of champange. it was good. and yeah... after i was talking to someone. and yeah, i'm pretty sure i made a helload of sense towards what i was saying to her and she kept denying the obvious truth... please. i know you well enough.. denial would not make u an overnight heroine nor will it make you a good drinker... i was worried, i cared, i opened up to you, i had a heart to heart talk with you, but you just kept denying and denying. fuck it, whats up with not being good at it? it wouldn't make you a loser. i was the one cleaning up all the shit after your sessions. and just a sorry and a hug wouldn't make it any better. sorry, i'm an ass, i know but yeah, talking to you was sooooooo fucked up, you were so lucky i kept it within. anger that is... ahhh. why does it always backfire when i actually really care bout someone? its fucking jinx.. i fine myself once again feeling so fucked. i was like so tipsy halfway through work that i slept on the empty wine boxes for half an hour before continuing. my head is feeling so bummed now. ahh. its better if i went to bed...

and to xiang ying who i confided in... thank you... and yeah... it wasn't how i wanted it to be but at least you replied... and yeah. maybe it just isn't a good time to talk because i'm feeling really shit after the booze and all. sorry. nights then

signed, sealed & delivered @ 4.55am.

Monday, November 5, 2007

early monday afternoon.

STOP IT bout the rowena thing xiang ying!!!!! hahahaha

there's someone else. haha. =)

early monday morning


haha. ahhh. been a wonderful week, went pubbing twice this week and i spent a hell load of money, but oh well, there's a price to everything. hahaha. i went pubbing on wednesday with kelvin and rowena. it was alright la, didn't drink much, just a few bottles, but rowena had one and she was down! hahaha. com'on buddy. u gotta improveeeeee!

saturday booze was with shanker and rowena. went to meet rowena for dinner at fish & co., ahh. then we were like hanging out waiting for shanker. yeah, well, the 3of us cliqued really well. surprise surprise. yeah. we went back to barracks to have a bucket of asahi. haha. rowena was high after. oooops. hahaha. worse still, we had bourbon coke after, 2 glasses, that made it worse for her. hahaha. everyone that worked last night now know who's the better drinker rowena. hahaha. then after she was high and all and we decided to walk to taka where they were having that subaru impreza challenge, i had an amsterdam, and they had a tall can of carlsberg. ahhh. that was when the kick started kicking in. hahaha. maybe i drank a tad too fast and yeah half way through my head started to spin, but oh well, i still really enjoyed myself, didnt do anything stupid but yeah. hahaha. after that i brought rowena back again. oh well, a girl's safety is important! so yeah, i did and she got knocked out in the cab. hahaha. after sending her back, shanker and i continued drinking at a coffee shop. ahh. i was really bummed after, we stayed long enough for the first train, parted ways there, and i slept all the way from yio chu kang to jurong east. no interruptions, train driver had to wake me up. damn. hahaha. when i got home, i was feeling super bummed and i just changed and went to bed straight since i figured i was still really clean and stuff. hahah. slept til 5 and went to work and shanker and i were like talking bout what happened. hahaha. rowena, we all know your dirty little secret. hahaha.

well, it was really a great week, hadn't had so much fun in sucha long time, i really cherish friends and times like that these. ahh. they're gonna do it coming sat again. haha. i'll probably be down for it, and i'm gonna be rich bitch, pay's coming in. 2 pay cheques. yeahhh. hahaha. there's only a few things left to buy, a new belt, a psp and probably expanding my wardrobe. haha. i got my i touch already. weeee. hahahaha. anyway, i gotta go before my net fucks up on me again. nights! blog tmr in class.

Monday, October 29, 2007

late monday morning

sup y'all.

currently in class now. feeling so f-ing tired now. suppose to in classby 10, i got in at 1030, been riding for the last 3days, going to somerset park to ride for 2 days and b3 on the other. ahhh. my ankle and wrist are at the end of the daily bashing and crashing. oh well, at least its fun.

anyway, i've still been feeling quite shit as of late... i need someone to talk to, but sometimes i had rather keep it within myself. i don't know why. i don't know whats wrong with me these days but something important has been missing in my life. Maybe i just need time to adapt... oh well... i'm off, byeee.

sign, sealed & delivered @ 11.01am

Thursday, October 25, 2007

early thursday morning

weee. sup y'all.

been feeling better after i let it all out. anyway, went back to ride on sunday and tuesday. oh man, how i missed it. the feeling of crashing, the feeling of landing a trick, the feeling of being free from everything, the feeling just seems perpetual. maybe i should ride more. ahhh.

anyway, i've been doing some dumb things to my bike, making it ever more colourful. haha. yeah, pics be up tmr, paint's drying up now as i type.

been having some serious soul searching lately and i believe that eventually, everything will just settle down. i just thought it was better for us. and i hoped you understand.

well, school's been shit as usual, trying to find time between work and school to ride. oh well, i hope to improve before year end. well. gotta go again. ciao!

signed, sealed & delievered @ 12.52am.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

early saturday morning

life's been pretty shit recently. there's so many things on my mind and i wished i could run away from all these and leave it behind. i tried so hard everyday, but it never seemed to work. thanks for all those who've been there, i really appreciate it. i really don't know what to do... i'm losing my mind.

i wished that i could say i still love you like i do yesterday... i keep thinking of the good memories and try to stay away from the bad ones. surely and silently, i'm breaking down and tears have fallen... i just want you to give me something to believe in, something that would direct me away from the negative thoughts, something that would keep me away from wanting to leave... i can't continue on like these anymore... i love you but i'm sorry... things just hasn't been working out for the past few months, i've tried my very best... but it just feels like a slap in the face each time because i fail to cheer you up. i know i shouldn't give up because i've never did for the past 3 years... but i'm really tired... of being the one thats trying with all his heart and soul to cheer you up everyday, of being the one whom keeps getting hurt and being the one whom always gives in.

all i ask for is for you to be who you once were. the girl i so deeply loved, the girl i was so crazy for...

i love you shan pheng. i really do.


i'm sorry that i've been such a big failure.

Monday, October 15, 2007

mid monday morning

hello everyone! good morning!

ahh. haven't been blogging for so long, anyway, i went shopping already, got a new crumpler complete seed, 2 jeans, 2 tops, davidoff edt and a pair of slippers. weee. hehe. anyway! ahh, been working for the past weeks til late so i didn't have the time to blog, and damn, i'm waiting for my pay to come. gotta pay for my new wheels man. haha. ah, i bought a mtb too, pics gonna be up soon.

i don't really have much to say except that school is starting, aiyo. and i'm still working on weekdays, i haven't even got time to ride my bike, and i've been missing my girlfriend so much. ahhh. baby! meet me soon okay? =)

anyway, gotta go off. blog again tomorrow or something during class! ciao!

signed, sealed & delivered @ 10.45am.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

early thursday morning

sup y'all.

ahhh. i'm so bored. i don't ride much nowadays, i don't really go out often, oh my, life is becoming dull. fuck probation seriously, because of it, my life is screwing up because i can't do the usual things that i like doing. anyway, got a job down at barracks, which is this restaurant at dempsey road, across botanic gardens, ah, pay's good. 7bucks per hour and its almost 14hours a day and 6 day a week, niceee. my new bike is gonna come sooner or later, i got so much stuffs to buy, itouch, a new nano, shuffle, new jeans and i fucking need a new pair of kicks. ahhh. so little money but yet so much stuffs to buy. timetable is shit for next sem too. even though it starts lateat 10 bout everyday, it ends bout 4. i had rather start early and end early. argh. the 2 retained modules are sucha pain in the ass. gotta take my maths with freshies too.

i so wanna ride nowadays, but i've lost that motivaton that kick started my bmx life 6months ago. i can't be bothered to learn my 360s. i just don't feel the want to push myself anymore. ahhh. i don't know whats happening. school's starting in bout 2 weeks time, and i wished that i was in another course, oh well, its too late to turn back now, its already year 2 and a half. i don't wanna drop out out now and waste my 2 years here.

oh well, i went with si kiat and jia ming yesterday. and it just hit me when i was on my way home, i really miss those times that we were the best of friends, when we fucked around in and outside of school and get nabbed together. those were the days man. ah, maybe i should hang out with them more.

anyway, baby's feeling sick i guess, should've met her today and made her feel better. i'm sorry i didn't baby. i find myseld wanting her more and more nowadays, i don't know why, maybe its because i've been thinking too much bout life. oh well, she's the only good thing that has happened to me the whole of this year.

and yeah, i'm gonna re-do my fork colour tomorrow to either raw or black, not sure if i wanna redo my frame colour too. i just suddenly feel that i want a black bike, something that's really dull, looks better too i guess. gonna wake up early too. ahhh. i'm so damn bored. maybe i'll go and play my ps2 or watch tv for awhile. ciao!

sign, sealed and delivered @ 3.39am

Monday, September 17, 2007

early monday evening

sup y'all.

ahh. baby's away at her chalet and i'm sitting here dying of boredom and i' m definately missing her. anyway, my probation starts today, starts at 11pm but there's a catch, i canstay out if there's parents consent. hahaha! suck on this jiaming. my curfew owns yours. hahaha. anyway, i've some upgrades on my bike! wawaweewa. very pimped. look at the pictures below! haha. gotta go ride! i miss you darling! =(

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

mid wednesday afternoon

sup y'all.

the past few days hadn't been good i guess. i met baby on monday, went around looking for stuffs and i finally bought my superman belt. she wasn't into talking that much that day and i don't know why, i tried cheering her up but it didn't seem to work. sigh, do you really have be that unhappy to actually hurt the person that has been trying to cheer you up the entire day? i tried so hard, and i asked for was for you to cheer up, not be at the back end of your wrath...

been crashing alot on my 360s the past few days too. knee don't feel very good. didn't ride yesterday, went to drink. didn't have the mood to too. sorry guys.

being a nice guy doesn't always pay... i tried, but you didn't seem to helping out... and it felt like a slap in the face.


Saturday, September 8, 2007

i was kinda bored and i kept listening to the soundtrack and this was something i did! and yeah, i know my photoshop skills suck, but i had a hard time mixing and matching and drawing! and now you know my chinese name. =)

early saturday morning.

Hello! hahaha. my girlfriend made me do this. =(

1. (the person who tagged you is) - shan pheng
2. (your relationship with him/her is) - my girlfriend
3. (5 impressions you have of him/her) - looks like a malay, really loving, she needs me, noisy(don't kill me for saying this baby! hahaha), short!
4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you) - that very first kiss!
5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you) - "i don't know how to say it, but yeah." which was her way of saying i do! hahaha.
6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will) - she already is.
7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) - not poking me.
8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will) - box her if she pisses me off. hahaha
9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be) - break-up? lovers or enemies. its either one.
10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is) - in her embrace.
11. (your overall impression of him/her is) - she's my superwoman!
12. (how you think people around you will feel about you) - i'm a butch.
13. (the characteristic you hate about yourself is) - i trust people too easily.
14. (the most ideal person you want to be is) - my mum! =)
15. (for people that care and like you, say something to them) - thanks for everything guys!
16. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)
(who is no.6 having a relationship with?) - atiqah.
(Is no.9 a male or female?) - male
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) -Hell no. he isn't half the man she needs.
(What is no.2 studying?) - SIM Diploma in Management
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?) - teacher's day
(What kind of music does no.8 like?) - blink 182!
(Does no.1 has any siblings?) - 3sisters!
(Will you woo no.3?) - fuck no, i'm straight.
(How about no.7?) - we used to be together.
(Is no.4 single?) - yepp
(What’s the surname of no.5?) - pinnefather
(What’s the hobby of no.4?) - going to cafe del mar!
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?) - er, acquitance.
(Say something casual about no.1) - she's mine.
(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?) - fuck no, i'm straight.
(Where does no.9 live?) -bukit gombak
(What colour does no.4 like?) - black and red
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) - no, normal friends. haha
(Does no.7 like no.2?) - they have not met.
(How did you get to know no.2?) - secondary school, sitting partner.
(Does no.1 have any pets?) - am i considered one?
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) - no! but she thinks she is. hahaha.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

early tuesday morning

sup yo! haha.

ah, I'm having abnormal sleeping hours. which keeps me awake til day break. argh. anyway, i met baby on sunday. haha. i had a fantastic time with her. oh well, i hadn't seen her in more than a week, both of us been busy and everything. haha. anyway, i found out that she was super against her boyfriend wearing coloured skinnys! hahaha! had a great time with her.

anyway, practically everyone that usually rides at b3 went to kl to ride. its gonna be boring the whole week again, b3 will be deserted and shit. but oh well, at least i have more room and time to practice new stuff. anyway, i tried 540s the other day. ah. not even close. hahaha. but, i could finally 360 the box jump at b4. yeah balls. haha. gotta ride harder.

sign,sealed & delivered @ 4.44am.

results are coming out in 2 week, fuck it. lets just pray i fail only 2. gotta go! ciao!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

mid thursday afternoon

i'm just feeling so f-ed up and all now... 2 people whom i regarded as my really close friends actually screwed me. i wanna shout my lungs out, seriously. but arghhh. if both of you were doing something behind my back, the least you could do was tell me. oh no. that didn't happen, i forgot, someone said he wanted to know her because he wanted her to be a model. yeah right fuck. you knew all along she was close to me fuck, and yet you had the guts to do this in front of me. and the other one, after everything you've said, "oh, i will tell him the next time he says it." yeah, what nonsense. you barely know her for a month and you say you know and you love her, how are you old? 17? i would've thought someone your age could differentiate love from infatuation. i've kept quiet for too long, and both you had taken me for granted, so yeah, fuck off yeah, i know everything, its over dumb fucks.

and if you ever say anything about this whenever you're around me, you're gonna fucking get it. i swear. you feel me?

early thursday morning.

hi all!

just woke up. had a drinking session with matt, rat and watt just now. oh yeah, wasn't in the best of mood, so i drank 2 bottles of tiger.. anyway, i came back bout 945am yesterday, went to my old poly class's chalet, oh well, hadn't hung out with them in such a long time and i really missed those times when i went clubbing and shopping with them weekly. Anyway, the first night was all about drinking, mahjong and playing winning eleven, oh well, i didn't know how to play mahjong so i played winning eleven with them throughout the night and some i won and some i lost. hahaha. i slept only at 12pm the next day and woke up at 330pm, then we slacked around, and started the bbq at bout 7plus. ended the bbq slighlty after midnight, damn i had alot of sambal sotongs and stingrays! haha. then we cleaned up the entire house and got ready to watch movies. haha. chua went to buy prata for us and we watched shutter and tokyo drift after. and by the time both finished, it was almost time to book out. so we played cards for awhile and chilled. ayat sent me home on his bike and damn, it was my first time being a pillion rider on his wave and fuck, i could swear that it was scart swerving in and out off the lanes at 9am which was peak hour at PIE. hahaha. oh well, i slept at bout 12pm then i woke up at 8 and i went to ride. yup, thats the past few days...

I really miss my girlfriend.. I don't know why, but i really wanna meet her and its the holidays and I still find myself meeting her once a week which kinda sucks... Supposed to meet her tomorrow, but she ain't free, and I have to wait til sunday cos i'm going to bao cheng's birthday chalet on friday - saturday at downtown east. oh well, i wanted to meet her on friday, but she's going back for teacher's day so yeah, so i'm in the packing order again. And i'm kinda dissapointed i can't get to meet her often because its the damn holidays.. oh well, i've to make do with it, not the first time though. but yeah.. sigh... anyway, jia ming got his counselling and to my surprise he got probation too... which is really fucked up because it means i'm gonna get 6months of probation too.. no more late nights for me... sigh.. my birthday, the holiday season is coming and i'm not gonna get to spend it like how i want to... sigh. so many things are on my mind now.. this isn't how my holidays are suppose to be. i'm not enjoying it... so many questions and yet no answers... well, thats all i gotta say...

If I wrote you a symphony,
Just to say how much you mean to me
what would you do?
If I told you you were beautiful,

Would you page me on the regular
tell me would you?
Well baby I've been around the world,

But I aint seen myself another girl
like you.
This ring here represents my heart,

But there is just one thing I need from you
saying I do.
Because, I can see us holding hands,

walking on the beach our toes in the sand.
I can see us in the country side,
sitting in the grass laying side by side.
You can be my baby,
Gonna make you my lady,
Girl you amaze me,
Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love...

sign,sealed & delivered @ 5.57am.

Monday, August 27, 2007

my old downhill bike and some gnarly pics! haha.

early monday morning.

hey all.

ahhh, just woke up to get a bite and i figured i couldn't go back to sleep. god damn. hahaha. anyway, the holidays are in, yeah balls! haha. 9 weeks off. sounds great to me man!

anyway, i went out with baby to watch secret last wednesday which marked the end of her exams! she was really happy on that day, and yeah, it was great to see my super-girlfriend again! haha. oh well, anyway, we ate pepper lunch, went to visit my dad at mount e and yeah we catched the show, oh well, i gotta say the shows darn good, watching it baby was even better! haha. she was kinda mesmerised by how he plays the piano. haha, oh well, bummer that i can't do music, probably noise but yeah, not music. hahaha. got my new pink wheel that day too. wawaweeewa. hahaha.

went out with amy on thursday, he and i got some black and white jeans and i didnt have enough to buy the superman belt!!! ahhh!! bummmer!!! i so fucking want that belt! hahah. my animal belt is kinda giving in on me and i'm not gonna wear my a-x belt to ride, hell no. i used to and it was dumb, yes i know. haha.

went town to ride on friday night, ah, baby was working, and everyone at b3 wanted to go so yeah i tagged along, i figured that i could bunnyhop 360, like finally, but after a few times, i was back to landing on my rear wheel and landing on my back abit after. hahaha. amy asked me to chiong and whack one time. hahaha. i completedthe 360 but i was going so fast that i landed on my nose and boooom. next thing i knw i was looking up into the sky. hahaha. that marked the end of my riding day. slacked from then til 7am at the park.

anyway, that kinda sums up the whole week and i'm down with a dumb fever. fuck, its a burden, anyway, gotta be in school to do some stuff tomorrow and hopefully pass my module. suppose to be going for a chalet tomorrow but i guess i'm skipping it 'cos i'm going to to bao cheng's b'day chalet on friday instead, looking forward to it 'cos all the b3 idiots are going, and its gonna a hell load of fun. hahaha. yup, gotta go now, be back tomorrow hopefully. ciao!

i'm missing her so much yet again. i want her in my embrace now...

Signed, sealed & delivered @ 4.07am.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

late saturday night

ahh. what a bummer, slept the whole day after my mathematics paper today. damn, definately retaking the damn module, i only could do 3 outta 6 questions. haha. fuck man. anyway, i mugged til 6am this morning and slept for barely an hour and woke up and headed for school. by the way, sam didn't take the exam, he overselpt. haha. good for you! can retake with me next semester eh. hahaha!

ahh. i miss my girlfriend! been quite awhile since I saw her and I won't be meeting her til like next wednesday or thursday. tomorrow's the last day of mugging for me! its gonna be freedom on monday at 4pm. fuck yes, 9 weeks off. gonna get employed maybe. i wanna upgrade my rear wheel and fucking get a downhill bike! yeah balls! anyway, i just ordered a liquor bikes titty bar, yeah ya heard it right, titty bars over the net. but damn, they hadn't reply and i've already paid for it. haha. fuck, i need new bars badly!!!

anyway, gotta go, meeting hafiz and gang to chill. ciao.

sign, sealed & delivered @ 11.28pm

Monday, August 13, 2007

early monday morning


ahh. woke up at like 530pm today. rode til 8am just now. haha. hella good ride. they were only the b3 boys and some scary bike riders at town last night. had so much run time 'cos i arrived at bout 12am? and the somerset park was like empty. nicee. but damn, i crashed my 180-4steps big time. its like the same way as how watt fell. damn. haha. it hurt for awhile but yeah, no i have an achy back, hadn't had such a good ride since before i injured my ankle. oh well, anyway, tomorrow's monday, gonna go out with baby. she wanna catch secret, oh! those lovey-dovey shows again. haha. anyway, gotta go out again. be back soon!

sign,sealed & delivered @ 12.48am.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

thursday morning.

sup y'all.

Its national day, august the 9th. ah, gives a fuck. anyway! just got home from riding. My oh my, it was a great riding day. I finally tried like the batok mrt 6steps. did a 180, and like almost landed 270. hahaha. first bail was massive damn. landed next time round. haha. anyway, bike's brakeless now, seems to help me get smoother i guess. anyway, baby came over to my place 2 days back. Hadn't met her in like 2weeks? yeah, bout there. I really had a great time! But guess what, i'm missing her again. darn. I went to watch movie with kel yesterday too. anyway, its been since it has happenned man.. brings back so much memories. darn, shouldn't think too much. I'm going to bed, riding later again.

Sign, sealed & delivered @ 7.39am.

Monday, July 30, 2007

early monday morning.

sup y'all...

hadn't had a good weekend I guess. injured my ankle while trying bunnyhop 360s on friday, and on saturday I crashed and broke the fall on my left elbow while airing the big quarter at town. kinda fucked up it all up this weekend. ankle is hurting, my entire left hand is hurting and my heart is hurting...

i don't really much to say except for this to that someone in my heart...

I needed you there during the bad times, but all I got was that cold treatment you gave, I would really love to say the 3words to you now, but I'm confused. Confused by your way of doing things. These words "fine, let me be." was that final blow, it really shot me. I shouldn't be the one giving in always when sometime, i'm not at fault. Yes, maybe I'm nice to you, but time and time again, I feel really exploited. There wasn't care, there wasn't support, there wasn't love, just anger and dissapointments... I wished that I had never read those texts. Maybe I should never had came back, maybe I should never had tried to make things better or maybe i'm trying too hard... I tried so so hard, to be that one guy that you would've been proud of. But it just ain't working out, and now I stand here alone, all by myself... Hoping that tomorrow would be a better day, i wished i could've hit the reset button, but reality strikes again. And all i could do, is wish...

Signed,sealed and delivered @ 12.57am.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

early wednesday morning

sup y'all.

darn. injured myself last night while riding at b4. was learning fufanus at that ledge thingy, was really close and then i tried a nose manual over a drain cover stacked on top of like 3 concrete slabs and i fucking missed it, i jumped too early and i knocked straight into it. hahaha. had a good laugh outta it even though it hurt quite bad but yeah, it was kinda dumb. haha. anyway, i'm outta riding for today i guess. I'm getting myself new kicks later, vans xl2 and getting my fly brakes from ryan slim at town tonight. yessar, the smoothest brakes everr. feeel mmeeee?! hahaha. bored in class now, programming is just not my cuppa tea. haha. going to sleep in class now. be back later!


signed, sealed and delivered @ 8.51am

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

early tuesday morning

sup y'all.

didn't have much to write for the past week or so. so yeah, didn't blog much. anyway, baby says i should like stop blogging because i'm too lazy to. oh well, thats not true okay! =P

anyway, school's been a pain in the ass, exams are coming and i'm starting to feel the pre-exam stress, and i'm still not studying.

and yeah, i went out with baby yest, went to watch vacancy. fuck yeah, the show is damn good, thriller rocks, baby was holding me tight throughout the show, its felt great but at the same time, its just a show baby. haha. and after that i got some topman tanks. oh well, i didn't have any sleeveless so yeah, i got two.

been raining recently, and i hadn't been riding much recently, ever since last friday i guess. damn, i'm slacking too much, but recently, i've kinda lost the motivation to ride hard. i don't know why, i wanna learn turndowns and 360 x-ups but its just not happening. darn.

anyway, gotta go, blog tomorrow yeah. =)

signed, sealed and delivered @ 9.15am

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

early thursday morning

hello everyone. haha

hadn't been updating. just abit lazy. did my eng mech retest today. I'm definately passing this time round. yay! hahaha. anyway, last saturday was one of the best rides i ever had. haha. Was sessioning at jurong mrt 3steps. ah. fab teached me how to do like high speeds 180 down 3steps and even though it was much more dangerous, i guess it was so much easier! hahaha. and i tried 360-ing down too. oh well, it wasn't a really good idea. hahahah. you get what i mean. anyway! i've a new bike! superstar baby!

signed, sealed & delivered @ 12.32am.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

sup y'all!

ah. Finally i'm feeling better. anyway, had a bmx comp at somerset and yeah, it was really cool and stuff. Luke got first, John second and Danny third. Tailwhipping was like just another trick in the bag for em. Argh.

Anyway, went to ride street on friday at pandan and west coast area and came out with these few pictures. Luke really tired me out because he couldn't get the right angles and stuff and i had 180 the 4steps more than 20 times. argh. these are the pics from friday.

180s and 360s.

signed,sealed and delivered @ 5.05pm

Thursday, July 5, 2007

late thursday night

i'm back.

Been having a really bad day, so was yesterday and the day before.. Almost got kicked outta school today because of my low attendance in engineering mechanics and the director sent me some debarment shit. All was alright after talking to him today... I ain't really in a good mood and I'm not gonna say much.. So been riding yesterday and today and I've got a new front wheel. I've been crashing really hard.. and its taking its toe on my body.. espcially my abs and my right calf.. Maybe i'm just pushing myself too hard when I think bout certain things.. I don't know.. Might be riding somerset park tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be fine. Ciao.

You're all the support I need,
But I'm not getting any...
Why can't you accept something I love doing?
It isn't that difficult,
I know it isn't..
I've given you mine when you needed it.
But where's mine when I so badly need it?
Nothing beats the pain of not having your support.
I love you but...
I'm sorry...
This is going nowhere.
Baby, just say goodnight...

Sign, sealed and delivered @ 11.56pm.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

early tuesday afternoon

sup y'all!

hadn't been updating. just too lazy i guess. anyway, went out with baby yest, skipped my 1-4class. oh well, monday is girlfriend day! been skippng my 1-4 class to meet her practically the whole semester. haha. anyway, I watched transformers with her. haha. not bad i guess. though, the movie quality wasn't that good, like its messy and stuff during the fight scenes. Anyway, baby left a smile on my face throughout yesterday! haha. How nice of her.

Been riding almost every evening for the past week. got my 360s smooth. niceeee. sooo.. I got a pic that ratboy aka Jonathan took for me. =)

I'm in school now.. Boringgg. Having french class next. gotta go!

Signed, sealed and delivered @ 12.25pm.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

mid tuesday night

been sick for the past few days ever since sunday.

anyway, went to school for an hour yest, and found out that my 2nd lesson which was 10-12 was cancelled, since I wasn't feeling well, I went home and skipped my 1-4 lectures. Baby was nice enough to drop by my place to visit me and I missed her so much. She left bout dinner time and I went to meet my friends to chill and stuff.

Didn't attend school today, feeling really sick. Been waiting for empirebmx to confirm my internet shopping stuff and it never came. Its really pissing me off to have to wait so long. Gonna go down to meet Saw later, wanna have a word with him... There was a couple of young punks below my block just now staring at me when I came home. If they're still there later, all the best.

Signed, sealed and delivered at 9.38pm.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

early saturday morning

Sup y'all.

just came back from riding. ah. my body is killing me.. hadn't pushed myself so hard for a really long time. oh well, it feels good to be able to do something new. i could 180 down 4steps, and I tried something really dumb, like hopping over a low barricade, hop up 3steps and 180 down the other side of the 3steps, and yeah, it took a few tries for me to actually land it. But yeah, I did. was really happy. But I kinda crashed quite alot today too. Oh well, pain is temporary. I guess I'm becoming more of a street rider than a park rider.

Besides riding, I've really been missing baby alot.. Kept thinking bout her. And I guess that was the reason why I pushed myself hard today... I didn't really feel the pain of crashing while attempting some dumbass tricks.. But at least it kept my mind off my problems... I just hope that you'll smile and forget bout your troubles...

You're the reason behind my smile baby, and I wanna be yours...

sign,sealed and delivered @ 5.02am.

Friday, June 22, 2007

early friday morning

hi people!

kinda lazy to blog. baby actually forsee it at the beginning! ahhh. anyway, been riding practically everyday, except for yesterday, met baby to watch fantastic 4 at cineleisure. well, had a super nice day with her, hadn't seen her for 2 weeks. and oh yeah,I got my 180s and pull off dialed over the holidays. really happy with myself. and I figured i'm more of a street rider than a park rider.

something has really been bothering me for the past few weeks.. baby's been really behaving weird as of late.. and I can't help much, and its taking its toes on me... I wanna see you happy not down... sigh..

If you need me,
call me.
No matter where you are,
no matter how far.
just call my name,
and I'll be there in a hurry,
to depend on,
so you'll never worry.

It hurts me to see you down... I love you baby...

sign, sealed and delivered @ 4.21am

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

early tuesday morning

sup y'all.

hadn't been blogging for the past few days because I was either too tired after riding or I wasn't feeling well. Well, been riding everyday. Been pushing myself hard to improve. Have not been really been happy these past few days, thats probably the reason why I keep pushing myself I guess.. Don't really feel like talking much. So yeah, will end here.

I'm sorry baby... Maybe its just me...

Sign, sealed and delivered @ 12.07am

Thursday, June 14, 2007

early thursday morning.

sup y'all!

was really tired yest so I didn't blog. but oh well, went to the police station to get my sentence and oh well, 6months of counselling and no probation! woots, that had gotta rock! haha, anyway, mum bought me 3 mambo tees after and 1 zara top. that has gotta rock too!

and down to today, started off by meeting saw, wattana and wei sheng to go over jonas's place to park our bikes before heading to west mall to dine at sakae sushi with amy and donglun! well, we made the place a mess and as usual, we wasted quite alot of food. haha. after that, we watched men in white, which is a really stupid show without any storeyline, bloody waste of my time. after that, we headed back to take our bikes and go b3. rode there til lights off. Wei sheng crashed quite badly, landed nose-dive style and had a deep gash which needed 7stitches to close, oh well, at least you didn't tear you nutsack which all of us thought you did. take care man. went street riding after for bout an hour and headed home and watched borat! show is darn hilarious! and i ended up here.

anyway, its the 14th! Happy Anniversary Baby!
4months has passed, and i'm still loving you more each & every day baby!

sign, sealed and delivered @ 2.53am.

Monday, June 11, 2007

mid monday night

sup y'all.

didn't blog in the last 2days as i was really tired, woke up at like 5pm? and rode til bout 4plus am? yeah. Anyway, as for today, I woke up early just to talk to dear. yay! I managed to put a smile on her face. =D

after that, went riding with luke at b4, rode there for about an hour? then I had lunch at kfc and we slacked outside cheers for awhile and rode to pandan to meet bryan. After that, we went to west coast to ride street to kill off time before meeting leonard, while on the way to pandan, I kept trying a 180 down this 4steps outside the swimming pool, and yes, I pulled off my 180! fuck yeah! tried bout 10times? bailed and crashed twice. haha. anyway, we went on to west coast after that and again there was a drop down 4steps, and I decided to try it too, landed both times i tried but the impact was kinda big, argh. haha. drops are like more scary to 180 then steps. I don't know why. After that, we cycled to the clocktower at west coast where there was this spine-like launcher which we like to session alot, it was my first time there since converting to bmx so i decided to try a 360. first attempt wasn't all that good. haha. landed slightly more than 180 with a foot out, then 2nd attempt i got 270 with a foot out, and on the 3rd time, i just spun like a retard. and yay!!! i landed my first street 360. haha. was so happy. haha. yup, then we rode back to jurong and met leonard and on the way back to batok, it started to drizzle and we rushed. was supposed to collect mark's bike, but they didn't had a stem, so the bike couldn't be ridden. dumbasses lah. made me rush for nothing. came home after the rained stop. and yup, i ended up here. haha. thats all for today! anyway, i was really happy i could street well today. thanks for the encouragement luke and bryan. haha. tomorrow's dooms day. hope I don't fucking get probation. argh. yup. thats all for now. ciao!

I miss you baby!

sign,sealed and delivered at 9.51pm.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

early saturday morning


had a fine day today. woke up at 4pm. even though i slept at 1am the night before! was just too tired i guess. and i didn't go out with my friends. ah! Saw called me like a million times and i just didn't pick up. was too tired lah okay! hahaha. anyway, slacked around the crib til bout 7 and went riding at b3 and the batok mrt station. Was trying to pull off a 180 down 3steps a few times but just couldn't. but oh well, i'm happy i landed nicely and i bailed only on the first attempt . haha. yup, gonna go to bed now, might be riding at somerset park and picking baby up after work tomorrow. yup. ciao!

sign, sealed and delivered @ 3.51am.

Friday, June 8, 2007

early friday morning

sup y'all!

its the holidays! yeah man! well, today has been a superb day i guess. Mechanics paper was easy and the electronics was still manageable even though i didn't study for it. When the exams ended, baby asked me to pass her thumbdrive which she left at my place yest. Even though i hadn't had sleep for more than 24hrs, i still went home, went down to clementi and passed it to you okay! hahaha. had dinner with her after. oh man, i'm already missing her. anyway, went to ride after coming home. landed a smooth 360 once. yes! and i kinda got my 180 roll back dialed but i still can't pull off. oh no. gotta practice. and i'm going tiong hin with wattana and saw tomorrow to get some bike stuff, dropping by zara after to get myself some tops. yippie! ah.. i'm really tired! gotta go get some sleep now, i'm hoping to meet you tomorrow night baby! =)

sign, sealed and delivered at 12.52am.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

early thursday morning.

sup y'all.

just finished mugging for my upcoming papers later in the afternoon. ah! stressful i gotta say. Oh well, just hope it pays off and i get to pass the 2 papers. anyway, baby come over again today! had a really great time with her again! she's always putting a smile on my face whenever we're together. anyway, she forgot to bring her thumbdrive home after transferring some songs from my lappie over. see, i told you you're really forgetful. anyway, tomorrow's the last day of the exams! that has gotta rock. Gonna get more rides on my bike, i wanna practice my 360s on it really badly. oh yeah, might be going mos on saturday with sheng kai and all. oh man, gonna be my last time clubbing for bout 6months? something might gonna kill my nightlife next week. argh. oh well, what to do, i was young and naive back then and I'm gonna suffer the consequence. Been close to 2years since it has happened. Anyway, gonna finish watching FitLife before sleeping so yeah. Gotta go now.

Sign, sealed and delivered @ 4.25am.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

early monday morning

hello.. its been a really dreadful day...

first of all, maths test was up.. god damn, i mixed up all the formulas and i lost 43 marks on the last 3 questions. i left after the 1st hour, couldn't be bothered with it since its gonna be a definate failure... f. came home and slept awhile after the paper. then i went to ride, and i couldn't even nail my 360s. its only been a day of not practicing it and everything was gone. I started from scratch and i crashed a number of times and after i started landing rocket style which isn't really cool.. so i experimented with other methods and i kept crashing. but oh well, at least i got back how to spin nicely at the end of the day. shit. gonna ride more after thursday. and i have to mug later in the afternoon. darn. electronics and mechanics.

anyway, baby's really down today. stay strong alright? i'll walk you through this and you will never lose me. well, life is full of ups and downs and the distance between us feels further when everything is headed for the ground and there's nothing more painful then to let your feelings bring you down. i hope you'll feel better by having me by your side. =)

side by side, i'm with you til the end, and i will always be the one to firmly hold your hand, and no matter what is said or done, our love will continue on. and when the whole world is gone, you won't be alone, cos' I'll be there.

sign, sealed and delivered at 2.00am.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Indulgence

I know when I go I'll be on my way to you,
The way thats true.
I've waited all my life to cross this line,
To the only thing thats true.
So I will not hide,
Its time to try anything to be with you.
All my life I've waited,
This is true.

early wednesday morning

With your feet in the air
and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it,
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind?
sign, sealed and delivered @ 3.27am

Monday, June 4, 2007

early tuesday night

well well. its my 2nd post. anyway, it has been a really good day. upon waking up, baby was outside my place. yay! its great to see the ones you love upon waking up. anyway, was supposed to study over at my place, but ended up sleeping, watching tv, using our lappies, chatting and eating mac. oh well, it wasn't productive but at least she made my day. haha. oh yeah, exams start tomorrow and i've yet to start revising my maths. gonna mug later. argh. i wish thursday will come soon! then the holidays are in for 2weeks. oh man. i wanna club on the 9th but doubt anyone i'm close to is going. anyway, i'm out of riding for 4 days due to the exams. gotta go mug now. argh!

sign, sealed and delivered @ 10.27pm.

early monday morning.

oh my. this is my first time posting. never liked blogging, but oh hell, I'm a trendwhore.

anyway, the name's konrad, a dumb kid whose life revolves around bmx and his girl. currently wasting my life studying in some god forsaken course in ngee ann poly. I live my life exactly the way I want to irregardless of the consequences of my actions. well, maybe I have live to regret some of my past wrong-doings but oh well, gives a shit, I'm still alive and kicking. I don't really have a lavish lifestyle like others, probably getting up from bed, going to school, sleeping during lectures, texting her, coming back home to get changed, go ride at b3 and coming back to get ready for bed. thats how most of my weekdays are spent i guess.

by the way, if you didn't know, i'm nocturnal. i get up really late on weekends, like 4pm? and stay up til dawn. yeah, nightlife is the shit. anyway, going to bed, need to study for my upcoming test on tuesday, tommorrow. and dammit, i wanna nail my 360 the next time I ride.

sign, sealed and delivered @ 2.35am